Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Comfort Food

No this is not another post about food as you might think; my avid fans know me better than to be so obvious. But like everyone, there are times when I get down, lonely, and sleepless. So rather than turning to food, I turn to my idiot box, more like beloved box. Yes yes it's my television and for me this is my escape, my comfort. So what does this self confessed couch potato like to watch well other than the usual favorite of Smallville, Greys, Stargate, Prison Break, Entourage and a couple of others there are some new shows worth checking out.

Weeds is particularly good, Dexter is everyone's favorite serial killer, Californication for some skin and True Blood for an interesting twist to vampires. This has kept me company for the past few hours of sleeplessness leading up to my car to take me to Mumbai and eventually home to my girl.

M coming home.