That's the other thing our beloved Kopi, Kopi-O Kosong, etc have now been compartmentalised as traditional coffee. And the Lattes, Flat White, Espresso are now called designer coffee. Sheesh.
But when I went to study in Oz, designer coffee was the only option we had there so eventually I started to appreciate it.
After starting my current job for more than a year now. I have been utterly converted. Presenting Nespresso!

Yes we have a machine in the office and the coffee is FREE! What's more, recently we got a free machine upgrade to this Sci-Fi looking baby that blows the regular coffee drinker away. It make perfect coffees every time. I now need at least 3-4 shots of coffee a day. Convert now or slave? Convert lah, I still have my beloved Kopi on weekends.
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