1st stage – Impatience
Usually manifests itself on the road on the way to work. Well I am normally rather unforgiving to other stupid road users and some "personified road hazards" but when I am in this stage, I become the embodiment of a road hazard. I will get honked at more frequently because I cut some off too close or refuse to give way to someone else and basically become a big Meany on the road. Being a normally, patient person, no really, I do not get impatient with other things, it just manifests on the road.
2nd Stage – Cynicism and Snappishness
OK, I do know that I am a sarcastic person, blame it on growing up around people who are English powerhouses and who are quick to comment on basically anything, but I am self confessed person of the sarcastic inclination. However, add a little pent up frustration and unhandled stress my normally harmless and sometimes humorous sarcasm turns into downright cynicism. I start to have a problem with everything, and I mean everything. The negativity exudes and I have a beef with everyone except the wife of course. She is in a different and untouchable league but she becomes the sounding board of all this crap and she, poor girl, has to listen to the ranting. She is never the subject of the rant but she can become the innocent by stander.
3rd Stage – Retreat
The final stage. I am still trying to figure exactly what this stage is all about. What happens here is that I become quiet and reclusive. The stress level is at maximum at this point and there is no point engaging in witty conversations or discussion because it is likely to become heated, anger driven and personal. So the best thing to do is shut up and not say anything; because it is going to be hurtful. I am thankful somewhat for this stage that I have inbuilt within myself. Previously this will be typified as rage and mayhem, but that is gone now. Praise the Lord!! So I have this defense mechanism if you want to call it. When I get to this stage I become unreachable and the person that suffers (hmm OK that is a bit strong word to use) the most is my dear wife, because I know she needs me be the pillar that I usually am.
Solution: Yes there is one. Luckily or perhaps I should say Gracefully. Take a break from work; a day is all I need, sometimes even half day can oso, to spend alone preferably, soul searching and seeking that which is greater than ALL things, J he that has ears to hear let him hear. After that without a doubt I am good as new, or should I say old. Back to the old trusty pillar, that ya'll have come to love.
M back to old.
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