Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Miscalculation

Last year we did things very last minute. Since there was no gatherings or parties to be had we sort of felt there was no reason to put up a Christmas tree. But as the 25th drew closer and all around were in the festive mood, something was missing. So at the absolute last minute we visited Island Landscape and got our tree (at a great discount) and with some simple decorations and lights from Concourse on the 23rd. All was well and tree did bring lots of good cheer.

This year we decided that we would do a last minute thing again but not to leave things till the absolute 11th hour but at least the weekend before the 25th, so as to also enjoy the discounted rates as we did last year. But much to our bitter disappointment and dismay all trees had been sold the previous day!

We were gutted, that is, whatever good cheer that was holding us up had been sucked away. With the fact that my folks were coming for lunch of the 25th, I was dreading this conversation with Mr. D Senior:

D Senior: Where is the tree?
D Junior: Oh this year decided not to have one lah (jokingly)
D Senior: (Looking perplexed) How can? It's Christmas and a tree is a must(getting disappointed).
D Jr: (Trying to downplay) No must lah, Christmas is about family getting together and spending time together.
D Senior: (Getting near angered) Yes together under the tree with presents. Where are the presents then? (looking around seeing the pile of presents in the corner) There? Dunno if those are for Christmas or someone’s birthday.
D Junior: OK. (Surrendered liaoz)

So instead of having this conversation I said. Ok let's do lunch at the parents. We cook and bring there (considering their tree was up in late Nov). No tree, no party! SK was getting increasingly guilty as she was the one who preferred to keep things so late, I initially wanted to go the previous week but decided to go this week as she suggested. She was almost in tears with the prospect if ruining Christmas as she knew what having a tree meant, considering my happiness last year. It's like Chinese New Year but no Ang Pows, none, notta, zip. How can right?

So dejected, we headed to Bar Chor Mee at Toa Payoh, for some divine inspiration. She started calling the usual contacts and before the bowls were served we got light of a place where trees were still being sold. Jelita Cold Store! So after French class will be another post in coming days, we headed there and got our tree; to be delivered today!!

It was a bit of emotional roller coaster to be honest, with the enthusiasm of getting a tree and then not getting one at all and then hopefully getting one then to actually getting one. I guess that is what makes the two of us, so different from the rest lah, always got drama one!!

M picking the tree later.


Anonymous said...

am so glad you got your tree in the end! wow, didn't realise you would actually cancel the christmas party for the tree!

maybe you guys should get an artificial tree? or must it be a real tree?