Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Humble Pie

Every day, I think/feel/believe I am undergoing lessons in humility. I am not complaining here, actually I am thankful to be given the opportunity to be tempered into a person that is more humble.

Humility, or being humble, is the defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others. (Taken from Wikipedia).

Ok Wikipedia is not the best source but it sort of sums up what it means to me. Being surrounded by pompous and ego-maniacal people in the office, I am left wondering. Whatever happened to good ol’ meekness and modesty? Being prideful can also be quite burdensome for the person itself because being fake and not yourself can be tiring.

Actually, it is funny the two places I spend the most time outside of home is at work and at church and the people in both are worlds apart. At church people are full of humility so much so, that I respect several of them for this reason. I am not talking about being a person who disowns all possessions and lives a meager life (as how some groups define being humble) but someone who is so supremely blessed in every aspect of life that they do not try to shove it down your throat but are just simply genuine.
A small disclaimer; not all the people in my church are like this but I can safely say it is a large majority.

So end result; is on one side, I learn how NOT TO BE and end up being burdened and the other side I learn how TO BE and be happy. God is good ya!

M learning