Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Post CNY Drama

After the one week break, I like anyone else in this world dreaded going back to work. Knowing that when I left a storm was brewing and with a few days left before my leave the storm hit and somehow I was able to manage it and reduce the effects. But as most things in the corporate world, such things do not just die but they fester, ferment and come back again with a vengeance in a different manifestation.

So there was double dread to return back to work. So much so, that I was so tense on Sunday and this was only noticeable to the wife, but she did not mention or question anything, probably because she knew I was not ready to talk about it.

So Monday came, and just when things could not get worse I start to develop flu symptoms, a bad case of running nose and cough. This severely hampered my endurance to survive the day and the many issues not to mention the 400 plus emails that greeted me. I had to throw in the towel and head home for some rest at 3pm.

So now as Wednesday marches on the dust has pretty much settled and now I can start doing work. All the fires have been put out; well…some are just small fires which will eventually and hopefully will die out. Phew! Now the only thing left is to go catch my running nose and to oil my scratchy throat.

M almost back to normal