Friday, February 13, 2009

Zebras don't have ulcers.

This phrase got me stumped. So like any good engineer I decided to check it out and ladies and gentlemen it's true. Zebras do not have ulcers.

Picture living on the Serengeti, happliy chewing on grass then all of a sudden a lion, cheetah, or whatever starts running towards you with the intention of making you lunch or dinner. But you were able to escape luckily I might add; the next time you might not be so lucky.

If this threat was constantly in the back of my mind, I would be worried to shitting bricks and all this worry and stress is bound to lead to stomach ulcers. Yet zebras do not have ulcers. Why?

God gives us food enough for one day not more not less. We need to see what is in front of us. Thinking and worrying about what is in the future and not yet materialized is somewhat futile and overdoing it as we humans like to do leads us to have ulcers and other nasty things.

So be zen be a zebra who only worries when worry is needed and as soon as the worry passes it's back to normal. No need to worry for the future because when that comes we'd know what to do.

M trying

Picture taken from