Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu?? apply Psalm 91.

So there is a new outbreak, what’s new. Sometimes I just lay back and laugh, swine flu, imagine we’ve had Mad Cow, Bird Flu and now this. Funny or not, this has all been predicted before. Yes it has in the book of Revelations from the Bible. Yes the Bible lah, in Rev 6:8 it says,

I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

The word beasts here in the original Greek, refers to the diminutive form of beasts. Which basically means tiny, small or perhaps even microscopic. Such are the things we face today with this swine flu and a few years ago with SARS. So should we be worried, I guess some worry is in order unless you are true believer and then there is no need to worry.

Cause you will have heard of Psalm 91.

1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
         Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
         My God, in Him I will trust.”
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.

4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
         And under His wings you shall take refuge;
         His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
         And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.

Pay close attention to verse 3 it says,

Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.

It is surely not maybe but definitely He will deliver, meaning save you from the snare (trap) of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence, which means destructive plagues. Here we have one who will save us and will not allow us to perish and as the chapter goes on we know that He is our refue and he will cover us under his wings and that He has be our comfort. Till the declaration in verse 7:

A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.

Here fall means to be cast down with a violent death, effectively saying that death and destruction maybe all around but it shall not come near you. So folks declare this in your life. The Bible has predicted the worse and it has also given you the fix or the antidote, so step out in faith and declare it on your life! Be not fearful because He is your protection over the plagues.

So my friends, believe and let He who can fight the good fight, fight and we can just rest knowing that our trust in Him is all that is required.

M trusting Him.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sound of Music

One of my passion is music. But it is the one that has always been sort of ignored and not really focused on. If you know me, I know the lyrics to most songs on the radio and I try to keep myself in tune with what is out there in music world. With my iPhone, I can now carry my music around and listen to what I want, when I want to.


So, I have the car and the office covered and thanks to my wonderful and super wife, the house is covered thanks to this Wave® Music System. I have to add that this small wonder, it quite an amazing feat of engineering, the sound gets better the further away you go, I kidd you not!

So now I feel a musical chasm, in the bedroom. There is nothing that can amplify some good music as well as the occasional word of God from our favorite Pastor to minister when we are not quite up to the mark. As such for the past 6 months I was on the look out for a iPhone workable speaker system and here are the choices:

Altec Lansing T612 Digital Speaker System - $329

This guy is quite solid, the sound is great and I think will be a great candidate. But kinda sucks for voice audio.
JBL On Stage 3 Portable Speaker -$289

Ok sounds, but it is quite cool and very portable. It can do a speaker mode for the phone so that is quite nifty as well.
Bose® SoundDock® Series II Digital Music System - $549

This is the big momma, price oso big momma but the best in sound class and coolness. But I got a Wave® Music


So after walking into Best Denki, Courts, Harvey Norman, etc to test out the above systems, I just could not bring myself to dishing out the amount. Not that I can’t afford it but there are better things I can do with the money.


So after all the ping ponging, I have decided (have should have in the first place) to listen to my wife, and move the Wave® Music System into the bedroom. Before, you say “Silly Molo!, doesn’t that mean no music in the living room?”, I might have mentioned earlier that my PC is hooked up to my LCD TV, which is also hooked up to an ancient speaker system that I bought in 96. Yeah that is it on the left. As old as it maybe it is still a solid performer, and a star in my opinion. So this guy can continue to take care of the living area and if all goes well the house will now be filled with the sound of music!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Majimo Blogs

I am happy to announce that Majimo Blogs has a new address it can now be found at

Yes I have gone ahead and registered the domain, so please make the necessary changes to your live feeds, favorites, etc.

Majimo and other stuff

Ok one of my hidden obsessions or rather loves is home decor. Yes I have said it, I like to read home decor magazines and books, surf home improvement sites, etc (not the Tim “the tool time” handyman kind) but more the design type of thing. This dormant passion was discovered when I was in Penang for a week and I spent the whole week reading (being completely absorbed to it; mind you) cover to cover one issue of Home Beautiful Australia and from there I have managed to incorporate it into our JK home, personally quite proud of these design features.

Coming back to the subject, I found this site called and I think it is a really great site and I wish you guys do take some time to check it out, especially you home lovin folks, you know who you are. There are quite a few interesting reads and tips. But the other stuff that makes this site cool is that it has 5 sub-sites in the same flavor but different cuisines. Here are the 5 sites with their tags and it’ll give you the idea:

  1. – inspiring cooks. nourishing home
  2. – saving the world one room at a time
  3. – home, design, children
  4. – smarter homes. fewer wires
  5. – abundant design for green homes

Ok the last one I am not quite there to be called Green…green per say, as my philosophy is better to save the people that the planet, the planet will be here forever in whatever shape or form but the people. (ok mini rant off).

So tinker down to any of the 5 sites, whatever your thingy might be and have a see, I am looking here for some inspiration to get some new elements into the home. As the wife says, we need to do something everyday to make the home beautiful.

M decor

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Can't but He Can

Sometimes the odds get stacked against me. Work wise, home wise and self wise. One option is to despair and be reduced to spinning out of control into oblivion.

But rather than give into the inevitable and fight for my survival, I am going to rest. My vain efforts are just going to prolong the pain so I’d rather let go. Cease, be idle and be still. For I know WHO I am and WHOSE I am.

When I can't anymore, I choose the good part and that is to rest on His finished work cause HE CAN! He is God, and I am man, my attempts at success maybe futile but through Him all things will be made new. My enemies flee leaving the spoils for me.

I do not expect most to understand as conventional wisdom prevents but the gift and the helper that is in me, shows me that true victory has already been achieved.

So there is no need to combat & no more "blood" to be shed, it is done so Rest! Cease! Be still!

M Sozo-ed

Monday, April 20, 2009

M Can Cook – Salted Vegetable Soup


Indeed, I can. I am one of those cooks who follows recipes to the letter. I must, I have to I mean why would they want to tell you 200 grams of belachan paste for you to only put in 400 grams. It’s like you want it to taste the way it is not meant to taste.

So the following recipe is for Salted Vegetable Soup as taught to me by my MIL.

What you needimage

  • 3 pieces of chilli padi (seeds removed)
  • 1 packet of silken tofu (cubed)
  • 2 chicken drumsticks (skin removed and chopped)
  • 1 tray of Pork Ribs
  • 3 tomatoes (quartered)
  • 2 packets of salted veges (sliced and stems removed)
  • 2 sour plums (depending on sourness desired)

What to do

  1. Boil a small pot of water ( 1/2 pot of water)
  2. Add chicken and pork to boiling water
  3. Boil for 5 mins and then drain and wash chicken and pork in cold water
  4. Fill a big pot of water and put on a boil
  5. Once boiling, place meat and chili in pot
  6. When boiling again skim off the foam completely
  7. Add salted veges and wait to boil
  8. Add in tomatoes and sour plums when boiling again
  9. After 5 minutes, add tofu cubes and 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  10. Lower heat and simmer for 20 mins, stirring occasionally

M Cookin

Walking the Nakasendo

I found this blog, via another friend’s blog and I was totally blown away by the task that this blog is dedicated to. Basically he is going to be, as his blog is entitled, “Walking the Nakasendo”. Nakasendo is an ancient highway linking Edo (modern day Tokyo) and Kyoto. So for 20 days in April and for 546KM, he will be walking it, alone!

Personally, the idea is so different and so cool. I was completely enthralled by the blog and the commitment and preparation involved to achieve this, so much so, that I spent half a day reading every blog entry. As I read, I was imagining the solitude of the walk, though solitude can be “growth enhancing”, but for 20 days it can be tough but I am sure at the end the rewards will be irreplaceable. Gives me the motivation to make the Karakoram Highway dream a reality.

What also adds to the blog, are the pictures that have been taken during the training process, not of the training itself but the views and images seen along the way, that have struck a chord in me. Simple captures but really amazing shots and perspectives. I really look forward to more pictures from the epic walk. Seriously kudos to you for making public housing look so good!

Honestly, they need to be seen to be believed and the fact that we both work in Science Park, the images have inspired me to cycle around the area although I think walking is sometimes better, as I have to contend with morning rush hour which is not always safe but then again, I have always been the dramatic cyclist, so best to stick with what I know best.

So my friend, as you embark on this solo quest, I would like to call forth upon you, His provisions of blessings and safe journey on your walk, may He protect you and watch over you each step of the way, as we look forward to seeing you back home with more pictures and stories to enthrall us all some more.

M a fan!

Friday, April 17, 2009

About Bob

Allow me to introduce “Bob” the new addition and member of the white good family at JK.

Launching Commemoration

This is a great day for us: we are on the verge of a wonderful adventure. Today's launching comes at an appropriate time in history. For nearly 10 years Anusi has tireless toiled and now we have given her deserved rest.

In these uncertain times, we need stability. I now introduce a new torch bearer to which the tall task has fallen to. Ladies and Gentlemen, Bob! (euphoric clapping erupts).

As I stand humbled by the task afore you, and the trust that has been placed into you, I wish you be mindful of the sacrifices of ancestor. Despite the changing weather and circumstances, I say to you be that beacon of strength and stability. Be all that you can be.

Be Bob!


This post will only make the sense if you read: Obituary : End of an Era

M Laughing


Say what? Its “31 Days to Build a Better Blog”. Oh…I see.. Huh?

Ok quite simply what I have done, is that I have registered for an online challenge started by Problogger, which by the way is good blogging resource. The idea here is to build a better blog, that people will come to, read and enjoy.

Yes, this blog still remains a very ME thing, but the idea is also to have more social interaction with the online community and to discover people experiencing life the way we all do in their own unique ways.

The challenge, is not against anyone neither is it a competition but it is more to improve on my ever-changing blog. This also goes in line with my Change Initiative as well as the underlying reason of my blog that is to search for new discoveries and experiences.

So you can stand and watch the changes or if you want to join 31DBBB. There is not much to it.

M Changing Again!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obituary: End of an Era

I regret to inform you that my beloved Anusi has died. After 10 years of service, she has dried her last piece of clothes. Her demise was on 4th of April 2009 though we felt that she needed a good rest so we left her but she was unrevivable. Yes, she was my one and only Zanussi dryer.


She had a good and stable life and has brought joy into two separate homes. She was heavily used and at times abused. Worked more than she was designed to be worked and some days she has worked through the night. Each time without fail she has produced dried clothes and linens, faultlessly except for the rug incident which was not really her fault. Come on guys, Read the Wash and Care Instructions!

Overall all I am really pleased with her and when she passed I felt a part of me go. I know that she will not want me to be without a dryer, as such I have brought a predecessor to carry on her legacy. Let’s hope the new addition can live up to the high standard that Anusi has set.

Farewell Anusi, as you make your way to the Dryer Heaven, to be with your people and stand proud among them with the knowledge you have made a difference.

I know all this sounds a little over the top but in context it will not. What time dryer represents to me is financial freedom. Freedom from the reliance of my parents’ money, that is. This was a first “big ticket” item that I purchased with my first ever paycheck. But not to be limited to that, but it also represented the unleashing of the Laundry Nazi in me. Yes you heard me, and I think the time has come for a dedicated Laundry Nazi post (akan datang).  For now let’s take some time to reflect on those who have gone ahead to great big cloud in the sky.



Monday, April 13, 2009

Number 6 of 25 – Axe at Scoutmaster

When I first put my 25 random things list together, I realised that most of my current circle didn’t know much about my past and the many adventures I’ve had. Of course now life is just as adventurous but it’s a different flavour. So when I put the list out I recieved quite a few “Wows!”, “Interesting Life”, etc and some people said I should tell the story behind them, so here’s one:

6. I threw an axe at my Scoutmaster in Secondary school, following which I quit from the Scouts.

I joined the Scouts when I was in Primary school, because my parents thought that it will teach me good principles and practices that will last me throughout my life. Well I guess it sounds logical in theory but sometimes, the human influence on an impressionable group can be so overpowering that a creed, motto or a pledge cannot cover.

When I came to Secondary school, this was certainly the case. The people running the “show” were a competitive bunch and considering I was from one of the most active and strongest Scout troops in SG, the rest of the troop was meant to be that way too. At that time, I found that Scouting was lame. Sorry Scouts! So I became what I would like to term as a “fringe participant”, that is, more like “along for the ride”. This did not go down well with my Scoutmasters, in particular one who was not a member of the teaching staff but an outsider, let’s call him Mr. Action.

Mr. Action had spoke to me a few times, urging me to be more participative and not be so slack. He said once and I quote “I know you Malays are quite slack in nature but you need to be different”. Wow!, this statement caught me completely off guard for a few reasons:

  1. I am not Malay, I may not be very dark but I am Indian.
  2. He was being an utter racist, no one should be compartmentalised for whatever reason.
  3. I would have forgiven him for such a ignorant comment but him being Scoutmaster it was absolutely disgraceful.
  4. For a guy with a crappy command of the English language to have the “stones” to say something like that, Wow! Mr. Action indeed.

I ignored this “brotherly talk” but at the same time remained on the fringe. As days passed I found myself getting “arrowed” for the really crappy jobs. Like cleaning out the Quartermaster’s store (which was filthy, there was absolutely no way of cleaning it completely), polishing a pile of old trophies and soaking wood in kerosene (for campfire) all while the rest of the troop was doing fun stuff and hanging out with girl guides. Perhaps at this point I should mention I was the only non-Chinese or non-Eurasian in my Scout troop, so the victim in me kicked in as well, I must admit.

My animosity for Mr. Action was piling. Hey, I was a young boy with no knowledge of how to channel my anger. So one day as I was untangling a large sack of rope in the store, Mr. Action walked in to see my progress. He was not impressed and proceeded to lecture me on about the how I should be, when he started to talk about being a Malay and that he understood that my “background was different” and I am not completely to be blame since “my culture is like that”. At this point, I was quite hot. I snapped when he said that my parents though uneducated as most Malays are should not have such a lasting influence and that he can make the difference in my life, if I listened to him.

At this point, I grabbed the nearest big “throwable” object and flung it in his direction. Thanks be to God that he ducked because it was an axe that I had threw! He was so surprised at what I did, that when he got up he was literally trembling. I shouted “You racist son of a b*i^h, wait till the Principal hears about this!”. Following that I stormed out and went to the teacher in charge and quit from the troop. It made no sense in carrying on. I never did speak to the Principal and I never heard another word from the Mr. Action.

Till today, I am thanking God that Mr. Action ducked, my life would have been different if he did not. Its just another one of life’s hard lessons that stays with you, I hope Mr. Action learnt something as well.

M Thankful.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Real Reason for Easter

When you think Easter, you see colourful rabbits, beautifully painted Easter eggs which are hidden and hunted by children. Not sure how these practices and symbols got attached to this day but to me Easter is so much more.

It is a day to rejoice because Jesus has resurrected from the grave. He who knew no sin became the embodiment of sin for us that we will be saved. Not just for a time but for forever; we are sin-free.

It has no hold on us and we are removed from the bondage of guilty, pain, anguish, suffering, etc. With His finished work we can boldly enter into a land of undeserved favour, superabundant blessings, complete wholeness, never ending grace and complete righteousness.

This is what He did for us, and Easter is a yearly reminder of the price that God paid for us. As John 3:16 goes

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

But be of good cheer and rejoice that even though He died three days later he rose from the dead. Death has been swallowed up in victory.

"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Taken from 1 Cor 15:54-57

M Rejoicing

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Camera Shy

It's funny but something really strange has happened. I've gotten what I like to call "camera shy" but, not in the conventional sense. This term is associated with being shy to have ones photo taken. Well I do not like that either but in most cases I am the fellow behind the camera.

So for me "camera shy" meant, the shyness of walking around with a large camera snapping pictures as I walk along. Huh? But you see in a place like SGP this activity is now preceded by strange looks and basically an uncomfortable feeling.

This never used to bother me and I would just be snapping pictures without caring who or what was looking my way as long as I got the picture I wanted I did what I wanted. Often times I did get chased off because some people thought I was "invading" their privacy. Of course I would never do that but SGPoreans are getting hyper sensitive or wait is it me that is hyper sensitive?

This should somewhat explains the near 20 day lag in 365. I will catch up and I will get over this silly shyness.

M overcoming

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Part of the change initiative, if you have not noticed, I have put down a link bar up top. Took me a while to code in as my HTML and CSS is a little rusty and I wanted to get it exactly how I wanted it to be. So for now I am pleased, keep checking back for more changes to come. Also the blogger NavBar is gone finally.

It is an exciting time, do read my About Page.

M shedding me skin

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

8 Proven Ways To Make Life Better

Here are some easy and proven ways to improve your everyday life. I am not a motivational speaker but just an ordinary guy living in an extraordinary world. So stop sitting back and watching life go by cease the day.

1) Stop thinking of yourself as the reason why things are the way they are. Self blame never got anyone anywhere. Forgive yourself, dust the dirt of yourself and start looking ahead.

2) Do something that you always wanted to do. Don’t just ponder about it or think about it. DO IT, take action! If it is a new hobbies start it, now!

3) Forgive the people who have wronged you even if you are no longer in touch with them. Just forgive them in your mind and let go of that baggage.

4) Start a diary or a journal or even better blog to capture the great reasons why life is great. No matter how tough things get, never focus on the negative, look for that bright spark make an entry. Looking back you will remember only the good and never the bad.

5) Go hug that special someone, and keep trying till they hug you back. If you are married hug your spouse, if you are a kid hug your sibling, if you are an only child hug your best friend. If you have no friends: read 6). Idea is to make someone else feel special.

6) Get in touch with that old friend who you enjoyed spending time with, find them through Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, even try the phone book. But find that person who made an impact in your life.

7) Spend time with your family. If you have kids, children spell LOVE as T.I.M.E., if you are not married spend time with your parents over a meal. Never neglect the people we often neglect the most.

8) Make each day count. Wake up each day thanking God you are alive and proclaim that this will be an awesome day. Sounds cheesy I know, but it works. If you try it and stick to it, I assure you; you will see better days and will surely benefit from it.


Don’t Talk to Strangers

You know the world has gone upside down when you see conventional wisdom going down the toilet. Perhaps not conventional wisdom but common sense. In conjunction with the SKM the “Hello Campaign” has been launched, with the tag line that goes;

 Go say “HELLO!” to a random stranger, make a new friend and show the true spirit of humanity!


The above goes against the advice of my parents and Rick Springfield which has been hammered into my head since I was a kid. Come on lets be real, while I am not so much against the idea of being friendly but this is quite forced lah. To be honest while it might brighten up someone’s day or totally freak them out, the idea is somewhat cute in a stalker kind of way.

So the next time someone comes up to you says “Hello” just say “Hello” back only if the person is wearing a bright yellow t-shirt, as part of this campaign, if not start running the opposite direction.

M amused!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


We all take for granted the roof over our heads. It cocoons us from the elements and all nasties. Having lived in relatively old houses for all of my life, has been a privilege of mine. But with older houses comes roof leaks, floor leaks (this one is new: whereby water from the ground water table overflows and seeps upward!), and other structural issues.

Today the roof @ JK is leaking, actually it has been that way since the cats in the roof incident, and in an effort to safely remove the cats, the roof was compromised and is now leaking. After the recent heavy downpours, we came home to a flooded bedroom, yes it is leaking in our bedroom.


So in an effort to find the source of the leak a hole was made in our roof, a gaping hole in the bedroom showing the innards to the roof. So temporarily lost is that cocoon feeling that we all should have when we are sleeping that we often take for granted.

Sometimes, the little and insignificant count so much when they are gone. To be fixed.

M glad the end is near

Monday, April 06, 2009


I have been very distracted lately. Seems like there is a problem with focusing and living my normal routine. Motivation has been a little low, but this post is mark of that realisation as well as a mark that I shall not be distracted nor shall I be unmotivated.

Two big projects of mine have come to a screeching halt. 365 Photos is lagging behind by 15 days and counting. Just have not had the chance to whip out the camera to take some nice shots. In fact things have been more like today, where I have left both camera at home in my morning rush. So for sure no pictures today. I do have pictures but I just have had little drive to post them.

The other project is Skinny Ambition Tour, I have not been to gym or on a bike ride in a while. Spirit is willing but the body is tired. Yes it is tired not lazy. I am sure the drive is just a little lost and I hope that before the week is over, I would have made it to the gym at least once. Hey it is a start!

Temporary inconveniences these things, I am sure I will be back to snapping great pictures for your and my enjoyment and start to hear good if not funny stories on my Skinny Ambition Tour. It will come in time. For now, the best place to see updates are on Twitter or on the right –> @ Majimo Twitts.

Taking a few steps back and looking at the big picture, whenever challenges or tough times come into view for me, it is usually a sign that something pretty great is going to happen. It has always been this way or rather this is the way I view tough times, simply as a prelude to great times!

the deep, dark woods by Ben McLeod.

(Photo credit: Ben McLeod)

One thing that is looking up is that I seem to be getting a growing number of followers on Twitter each day. So definitely not all things are in the doldrums. However, in our usual morning rush, we (the wife and me) have done a phone swap. She has my phone and I have hers. So not completely out of woods with the distraction but the light is near!

M on the brink

Friday, April 03, 2009

RSS Baby!

My newly discovered thingmajiggy. RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a means of getting updates on changing web content without the hassle of going to the web site all the time. So when a new item is posted I get a notification. Remember the Blog Anticipation thingy? (Wow! Sudden Amnesia, did I write this blog, I can’t find it to link to it, anyways). That is now no more!! Whenever one of fellow bloggers post something I can read it immediately. Might sound a little “swah ku” but hey we all get there eventually.

So now with my iPhone I can curl up anywhere and read my blogs. So easy just hit RSS and it is done!

M up to date!

Constant Connection

Have I become one of those people who has withdrawal when there is no
Internet connection?

Actually I have been that way for a while. The symptoms arise more in
Penang when I am at the in-laws. No WiFi or cabled connection there.
Nearest hotspot is at Starbucks at Island Plaza and that is only when
the wife decides to leave the house. In the evenings I walk around the
in-laws' estate searching for some wireless bandwidth that I can steal
just to get online. Oh dear me I'm a Bandwidth Junkie!

But it gets worse; with my beloved iPhone, incidentally one of the
best phones in the world, the need for WiFi is much stronger.

Sites to check: CNN, CNA, Shovel, Facebook, my growing list of RSSes,
and now with the close to successful experiment; Twitter. How like that?

Do I finally need to succumb to 3G? That would mean a new phone but
I'm waiting for the summer. Haaiiizz.

M looking for a fix.

Majo Twit

Twitter I like.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Singapore Kindness Movement

heart ballon


Remember this fellow?

He is back with the kick off of the Singapore Kindness Movement with the aim of  encouraging Singaporeans to make a positive commitment to gracious living through simple acts of kindness in their daily activities. In a bid to be more a more gracious society.

Yes yet another loathsome public campaign to better ourselves. Singapore is well know for it campaigns, no spitting lah, no littering lah, save water lah, have just 2 babies in the 80s to now have more babies lah, speak better English..oopps. In a sense these campaigns have sort of transcended from being about basic human cleanliness to campaigns driven toward Nation building. But now with this campaign well I must say it is a little step backward and shows how little we have learnt.

two_enough our_home dengue save_water

I am sure having another courtesy campaign would be an admission of failure so we have this Kindness movement, from which the tenets are the same as the 80s courtesy campaign. But serious do we really need this? I think Singaporeans are decent people, of course we are not perfect but….that should not be the aim ya!

M wondering