Friday, April 03, 2009

Constant Connection

Have I become one of those people who has withdrawal when there is no
Internet connection?

Actually I have been that way for a while. The symptoms arise more in
Penang when I am at the in-laws. No WiFi or cabled connection there.
Nearest hotspot is at Starbucks at Island Plaza and that is only when
the wife decides to leave the house. In the evenings I walk around the
in-laws' estate searching for some wireless bandwidth that I can steal
just to get online. Oh dear me I'm a Bandwidth Junkie!

But it gets worse; with my beloved iPhone, incidentally one of the
best phones in the world, the need for WiFi is much stronger.

Sites to check: CNN, CNA, Shovel, Facebook, my growing list of RSSes,
and now with the close to successful experiment; Twitter. How like that?

Do I finally need to succumb to 3G? That would mean a new phone but
I'm waiting for the summer. Haaiiizz.

M looking for a fix.