Friday, April 17, 2009

About Bob

Allow me to introduce “Bob” the new addition and member of the white good family at JK.

Launching Commemoration

This is a great day for us: we are on the verge of a wonderful adventure. Today's launching comes at an appropriate time in history. For nearly 10 years Anusi has tireless toiled and now we have given her deserved rest.

In these uncertain times, we need stability. I now introduce a new torch bearer to which the tall task has fallen to. Ladies and Gentlemen, Bob! (euphoric clapping erupts).

As I stand humbled by the task afore you, and the trust that has been placed into you, I wish you be mindful of the sacrifices of ancestor. Despite the changing weather and circumstances, I say to you be that beacon of strength and stability. Be all that you can be.

Be Bob!


This post will only make the sense if you read: Obituary : End of an Era

M Laughing