Wednesday, April 08, 2009

8 Proven Ways To Make Life Better

Here are some easy and proven ways to improve your everyday life. I am not a motivational speaker but just an ordinary guy living in an extraordinary world. So stop sitting back and watching life go by cease the day.

1) Stop thinking of yourself as the reason why things are the way they are. Self blame never got anyone anywhere. Forgive yourself, dust the dirt of yourself and start looking ahead.

2) Do something that you always wanted to do. Don’t just ponder about it or think about it. DO IT, take action! If it is a new hobbies start it, now!

3) Forgive the people who have wronged you even if you are no longer in touch with them. Just forgive them in your mind and let go of that baggage.

4) Start a diary or a journal or even better blog to capture the great reasons why life is great. No matter how tough things get, never focus on the negative, look for that bright spark make an entry. Looking back you will remember only the good and never the bad.

5) Go hug that special someone, and keep trying till they hug you back. If you are married hug your spouse, if you are a kid hug your sibling, if you are an only child hug your best friend. If you have no friends: read 6). Idea is to make someone else feel special.

6) Get in touch with that old friend who you enjoyed spending time with, find them through Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, even try the phone book. But find that person who made an impact in your life.

7) Spend time with your family. If you have kids, children spell LOVE as T.I.M.E., if you are not married spend time with your parents over a meal. Never neglect the people we often neglect the most.

8) Make each day count. Wake up each day thanking God you are alive and proclaim that this will be an awesome day. Sounds cheesy I know, but it works. If you try it and stick to it, I assure you; you will see better days and will surely benefit from it.