Friday, October 31, 2008

Fashion Faux Pas

I am no fashionista that is quite clear but I know what a clear violation is when I see one. Today I was that violation but this was more of a wakeup call. When on a business trip packing the right clothes for the right meeting is essential. So being one of those trips where there is a mix formal and informal events made the packing a little complex for me a light traveler. So when I got to India and needed to put on a tie, shirt and pants only to find my pants not being able to buckle, it was a conundrum of epic proportions.

I managed through the first day with my extremely tight fitting pants, but on the second day it proved too much and I resorted to this fashion faux pas. Yes pink shirt, black tie and grey Diesel jeans. I looked like Hunter, who was the lead role in a 80s police TV drama played by Fred Dryer but fat and minus the badge and gun.

Bottom line is I need to get myself to a gym and get serious about getting back into shape. Yes wife, this will make you happy.

M weightwatching

Thursday, October 30, 2008

St Laurn Suites

I have to say that this hotel, or service apartment is more than what I expected. As always, the outside part of the hotel and the inside part are worlds apart. But this hotel is quite far out. If you look carefully, behind the bed is a transparent wardrode which has the bathroom and toilets behind it. The left corner picture is the entrance way to the bathroom. Top right corner is the kitchen with bar counter in foreground. What's missing is the couch and coffee table - it's there but I didn't take a picture of it. Bottom right is the swanky lobby. Not my idea of an Indian hotel. Impressed.

M white out.
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M Amused!
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Mandatory Horn

Well one thing you will be hearing for sure in India are the horns. It's a must! Signs are painted on the backs of trucks which read "Horn Please".

When the lights go green at a traffic junction in a matter of milliseconds the horns sound urging the guys in front to get a move on. It's almost cultural than precautionary.

But not just that, there is a sort of a parade when the lights are red. All sorts of vendors come onto the streets peddling their wares. Magazines, books (I mean actual novels), whistles, rags, ballons, nick nacks and the occasional beggar are some of what's on offer; well that's what I've seen so far. Such contrasts of people. And when the lights go green the horns blare.

M astounded

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cinemathique up 10ks

Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave

Taken from Fight Club. This movie explores our inner Tyler Durdans. It's a very different movie which does not explore a standard Hollywood movie storyline.

Perhaps that is why it is one of those movies that can be watched over and over without getting old. Cult movie. Key take away is "Stop trying to control everything and let go!"

It was this or Mamma Mia. I tried and didn't get pass the first 15 minutes.

M Krisflied

India calling

Call it the motherland but as an Indian I have little affinity for the subcontinent to be honest.

Being someone who grew up ashamed of being Indian because of the stereotyping, as I have gotten older the heritage has hit a chord more so when I visited which I think every Indian should.

I love the country because of it's simplicities and chaos. The sense of calm and at the same time vibrancy. It's quite unique. I hope to capture that on "film" in the coming days when time permits. I am there on business you know.

M travelling

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whattha Bargain!

I have always wanted a pair of Asics that can be used for everyday use. I love the sports shoes and I have been using them for a long time.

Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to buying a pair of shoes for $200+. So just my luck that I managed to find a warehouse sale at Suntec, where I got these babies at 40 bucks! Whattha Bargain!

M Onitsuka
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Monday, October 27, 2008

A day with the girls

So Sonia's birthday was last Friday and as promised, we brought her to Build A Bear on Saturday. Evelyn was along for the ride as well and I am glad she was there.

They had such a great time and for SK and me, it was great to see them having so much fun.

After the bears, they voted for Swensens where the fun continued, literally. Thinking that they were tired out they continued for a full frame of bowling afterwhich they persuaded us to sleepover at our place. For the two adults it was laughs all the way. Looking forward to the next outing.

M can't wait

Quality Time

After not travelling for work in almost two odd years I am travelling again after my week long trip to Aix, this time to Pune, India.

I love to travel don't get me wrong but I usually end up missing my wife terribly and almost miserable by trip's end. Well same for her as well.

So as I embark on my trip we have nailed down some quality time together. All day together doing well basically nothing much other than eating, a massage and just being with each other. It's cool when quality time equals to doing nothing but just being together.

M Loved.

Friday, October 24, 2008

F1 2008 at an end

So for the fourth year in a row the championship has gone down to the final race of the season. Well the first two years, 2005 and 2006 it, was not down to the wire. But last year's race at Interlagos was a cracker and I hope this year's one will be the same too. But as the season has progressed on I guess for me personally, I have been a little disappointed with Ferrari. They have given away the championship this year with their pit stop shenanigans and lopesided strategies. They are essentially one driver team, just like all other top teams as well. Problem is that this year the two drivers in their teams are doing pretty badly the same way.

But my revelation this year is Alonso. I mean I disliked this guy with a vengeance during the 2005 and 2006 season (read my old blog posts), and sort of felt pity on him in 2007 when it was clear the favoritism to Lewy. But this year I think he has shown his mettle and has delivered the results. Two wins in a row, in a lesser car. Previously only two drivers, I can think of have done that, Schumacher and Senna. Not many other drivers have done that consistently.

Another revelation was Ferrari's President, Luca's criticism of the Singapore GP (my home GP) as a circus because of the safety car's usage. I guess the Italians have never really been good losers and Ferrari is the worst losers. So my love of Ferrari is waning as it did for Mclaren Honda when Senna left the team.

So ideal scenario will be,

  1. Lewy does something stupid and Ferrari does a stuner and Massa wins as Kimi did last year
  2. Alonso announces his move to Ferrari, with Kimi going on sabbatical
  3. No sliverware for the British which is always good.

M Hopeful.

[picture credit: Getty Images]

Thursday, October 23, 2008


It's funny how life works itself. My previous post was talking about how to not let our hearts be troubled and not let fear in but almost immediately after I posted this (well perhaps a day or so) some fearful news came my way. Thanks be to God that I was able to cling on to His promises and was able to ride through. So since last Friday I have been having a feeling like something was stuck in my throat. Not a bone that normally will have a piercing pain but more of a lump in my throat. It bothered me for the next few days and then the excessive hiccups started. When they came they were painful and my entire body would quiver, this was accompanied by more painful swallowing and heartburn.

Went to see a doctor on Monday after some scolding from the concerned wife and went on a course of antibiotics and told by Wednesday if no improvement a referral to a specialist would be prudent. So I patiently took my meds and waited for the recovery that did not come. So on Wednesday, I did what I NEVER do, but I was bored and in a long meeting. So I entered my symptoms "difficulty swallowing hiccups" into my Google Bar and stumbled into another colossal dumb move on my part. There it was "Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer". My heart sank as I read the article as out of the 7 symptoms listed I was experiencing 5 of them. Fear followed swiftly and my rejection of this "report" followed more swiftly after. I was not the same for the rest of the day but was putting my "preaching" into practice.

So on Thursday, after a quick referral and specialist consultation, from a guy who resembled Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, who I now affectionately refer to as "Mr. EEEEEEeeeee", the all clear was given. Praise the Lord! What I have now is gastro oesophageal reflux (acid reflux) which is easily fixed by eating smaller sized meals (should fit into my non existent diet plan).

So there you have it, life and its many ironies, but more inportantly God's favour as always being ever-present in our lives. So after this we know now that we are being prepared for something big and great. Hooray for the TWINS!

M expectant!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

In days such as these, there are so many things that can bring trouble to our hearts. No I am not talking about relationship causing heartache but everything. Stress, Anxiety, Anger, Frustration, Sadness, Sickness, Financial woes, etc, etc…the list goes on and on. There are more terms coined for negativities in life than there are positivity. As such the common result is we are fearful. Fear grips us in so many ways, when you know you are now going to have enough in the bank to pay the bills, when you think your partner is not where he/she should be or when you are heading for a deadline at work, but you have not started. What is more disturbing now is that the fear is gripping people who are even younger, it scary.

When such fear grips me I like to say to myself, "Peace…Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you… Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." It may sound rather simple but if you settle down for a minute and let these words sink in you feel a calm coming over you. It is as simple as that! Most of the fear that we face is self inflicted, step out of fear and into Peace… When fear normally grips you repeat these words and allow the words to overpower you and do not let the fear grip you.

Peace…Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you… Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.J14:27

M not troubled. [Photo credit Getty Images]

Announcement girl

She's at it again. Announcement girl, I like to call her. Its 12.30am and she is analyzing away looking at some company's stock crafting the words to her report. My little tireless worker, who I admire so much. Don't work too hard, get good rest but she keeps at it till the day is done…

My old room

The other day I went back to Mayflower (my home since birth till marriage) to work on my parents’ computer and as I sat in my old room waiting for some files to be copied, I soaked in my old room. Although this was not always my room, it was the last abode I occupied till I moved out. Now, the room is clean and stark unlike how it used to be, cluttered and lived in. It was like my one room house. Everything I needed was there, I never had to leave this place, except for bio and food breaks.

It was a place of security where I shed tears, shared laughs with my friends and family, it was a place I ran to, my refuge. Do I miss it? Well no, not really. I am in love with my new home in Jalan Kayu. But I do love to reminisce of the carefree times that I spent in that room, discovering myself and becoming one with myself. It does not look much now, it’s a little brighter of course but it now looks almost clinical except for the curtains.

M wandering.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So what do those acronyms bring to mind? Ice Cold Beer, well perhaps but recently I came engaged in this acronym with a very different expansion (by the way that is the correct term to use with reference to acronyms – not just entertaining but educational as well...SO FULL!)

It's the International Children's Bible and the one I am raving about in particular is The Illustrated Bible. I mean "WOW!" if I had this as a kid I think my life would have been very different. It's illustrated like a comic book but the words are in actual Bible verse with chapter and verse numbers. It's so cool and for people who really do not like to read from their Bibles or rather who are afraid to start becase they fear they might get lost, this is a great alternative.

Highly recommended, the Bible comes ALIVE!! Brilliant, I say!!

M Feeding!

[Picture courtesy of Thomas Nelson]

Monday, October 20, 2008

10 days in the life of Notsurestofnamus Floragrenplantis

Over the past ten days I thought it fun to catalogue the growth of one of our new plants. So for the past 10 days I have been snapping pictures of its growth progress every morning. Ok it's not edge of your seat kinda stuff but.... Quite amazing actually when you think how much it has grown in 10 days and it's now ready to sustain its own life and that of others.

M going green.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Breakfast on the run

Breakfast, yes the most important meal of the day but often the most taken granted for. I usually skip breakfast, but when I have the luxury of time, I will get myself something worthy to be called a breakfast. So this week I decided to make it a point to have a proper sit-down breakfast every day. An experiment, you might call it. Condition is that I should have to go out of my way to get it, something either on the way to work or nearby. So as you can see the test subjects are quite sumptuous. I really can't remember the last time had such hearty consecutive breakfasts topped off with a cup of coffee or teh tarik.

So what are my findings, well of course, I head to work a happier person that is for sure. Energy levels are much better and I do not feel that tired or exhausted during the midday. At night I get tired and sleep well, this is a huge bonus for me, as some people who participated in Sleepers Anonymous at Maccers would recall. All in all, that is the upside. Downside, hahaha, yes there is one. I did not go to the gym at all. Hmmmm…down side. Yes lah, downside. I feel that I have put on weight; yeah I think I am a little bloated, water retention maybe...

M wishful.

Saying Goodbye

I have never had the experience of having a family member or someone close passing. I guess what makes me fortunate but death is eventual and inevitable for all of us.

Today after my bereavement training I realized that my inability to empathise is indeed worse than I expected or even had known. Almost to the point of insensitive. But, I am glad I had this opportunity to be under such great spiritual leadership from which I can learn so much.

All in all it was eye opening, I always believed in celebrating life and a person who leaves us although mournful at first we should rejoice that person's life and his/her addition to our lives.

Just that this was my thinking and it's not what everyone thinks. I guess I am at times too presumptuous. Well I am learning each day how to be better, not just in this area but in all.

Praise God for the school of life and to all my companions. That means YOU!

M Journeying.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nothing like a good cuppa of Kopi in the morning, it puts things in perspective especially when faced with the sometimes daunting challenges ahead. In any case, sit back enjoy that cup and sometimes LIFE is so good that coffee is one thing that makes it better. Okay talking cock liao....

M satisfied!
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where is the love?

Car crazy I used to be but now I have resorted to the car wash at SPC rather than sending the car to the detailer. The love of cars is there but I guess the expression is more one of understanding and driving rather than cleaning to be honest. I still watch every episode of Top Gear and when I go to the magazine section I look for Car and F1 mags first and usually skip over the Maxims, FHMs, and whatever cheesy mags with skimpy laides they are pushing.

I guess it will always be a guy thing.

M sideways!
-I like Picasa 3

Monday, October 13, 2008

Birthdays, bad news and Babylon 5

Today is one of those days with a mix. Some expected bad news is now coming to light but in retrospect I know all will be well.

My FIL's birthday was celebrated with simplicity but lots of smiles and laughs. So while one family braced itself the other was relaxed and in high spirits. For me, I am just thankful for all things and I know that He is in charge.

As the world passes by my Babylon 5 download is still at 47.5% after one month of downloading. YMGC!

M waiting

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sacred Food

Other than my Wife's and Mum's cooking, which I hold sacred, there is little else that I can call sacred.

But there is one dish from a paritcular corner of SG, which I have come to call sacred to me. Bar Chor Mee!
As you can see we have something special and unique here. Our weekend ritual brings us to this coffeeshop at Blk 85C, Lorong 4 Toa Payoh where this bowl of heaven can be found. It has become so much a part of our lives I think an entire blog post justifies.

M full.

Friday, October 10, 2008

“Peace, be still!”

This picture comes to mind when I think about the current situation in the financial markets or shall I say the world economic climate. Such tumult, such uncertainty and such anguish on people minds. It’s like these pictures of exhausted traders that are appearing on all news websites and front pages, it seems so orchestrated. Like a Symphony of Destruction playing its way down to your local bank or insurance provider. J

But for me being a converted optimist, I look at what happened after this picture that is important to me.

M Cool!

Lunch @ Sci Park

Lesson in making so-so food look good!

Here is one of my lunch staples. Well staple is going a bit too far, because it actually is Subway sandies. But when the Subway queue is too long and me being an impatient person will choose instead to get lunch from "So Fresh" which has somewhat become a little bit of an oxymoron when you have a look at what's on offer. So my favorite and basically the only thing I order when go there is Teriyaki Chicken Salad. Yes that is the official name on the menu. You may ask where the salad is, well it is hidden but believe me; the 2 sheets of lettuce, 3 pieces of broccoli and coleslaw is there.

So after eating this Teriyaki Chicken Salad, I thought why not photograph it to see if I can make it look nice so that it is more appetizing and appealing. You decide if I am making you hungry I succeeded. If you are turned off, well the conclusion is there is no way to make so-so food look good.

M eating.

Friday: Beautiful Day

What beautiful days Fridays are. Today is especially beautiful because indeed today is a glorious morning full of possibilities. So as Brad Pitt said in the movie Troy "Take it, it's yours!" It's rare to see cloudless skies in Singapore and when do I usually whip out my NV24HD camera (super camera by the way) to take advantage of the great photo opportunities. So here's one picture I just took on the way to work. Subject is boring, well being stuck in jam is boring, but the color tones are lovely.

Rejoice people it's Friday and make the best of what this day has to offer!!!

I know I will!!

M Lovin it!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Leakgaes, Leaves and Landownership

Sounds heavy ya?

Not so, our beloved house is leaking again well that was what we were led to believe. So in the preparation for some minor roofing works and some hacking on the wall, something happened. Further investigation by the guys from B4 Leakage, it was found that the water that is appearing on our study room wall is not a result of leakage from the roof but, if fact condensation. Praise the Lord there is no leakage but "Huh?"

Seems our neighbour has his aircon in the adjacent room on at full blast, at maximum cooling pointing directly at the wall and on the other side of the wall is our study room which is the room with the most sun. So as a result my wall is "sweating" like a glass Bombay Tonic on a Saturday afternoon thus, explaining the wet spots and fungus. Solution? Aside from asking y niehbour to turn off his AC, which might rather selfish, there isn't one actually. Just a stop gap measure of painting the wall with a special epoxy paint that is used on roads to in a sense "waterproof" the walls and prevent the formation of wet spots. Prevention not cure.

So another half day of leave down and another episode on the joys of Landowership. But, in all consideration I know deep down that despite all the issues and whatever, I still love my house, the place I call home, my refuge and the place I will raise my family.

Contented M

[Second try at this after my initial post from my iPhone ran away to some corner of Cyberspace]

Back home safe and sound - Dream Team Re-united

Yes she is back finally. Among the many silly things we have done, the
most recent was going for a holiday without each other. Yes I was out
of leave or so I THOUGHT but there were avoidable reasons that I
succumbed to.

Oh well she is back and in all honesty I am glad she had a good time,
aside from some challenging days, Praise God for technology! So other
than restarting this blog and getting hit on by a male waiter from
Stewhaus(this one will be another entry for sure), the events were

Whatever the case; Maju is back! Yippee!

M glad.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mobile blogging - Take 2

Okay first attempt was less than sucessful. Was it the usual mail
server problem or what?

Let's see attempto secondo.



Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Ferrari and Lollipops

So Ferrari have done a U-turn, and ditched the traffic light system that has caused injury to quite a few of their fuel men and gone back to the trusty lollipop man. The traffic lights is in a sense a great idea, from a series of great Ferrari ideas but I think the system needs a bit of finetuning. But till they get this system sorted out, the manual method will have to do.
[photo credit to Jamd]


As gardens go, ours well not the best in the world but it is ours. Not like we are going to get feature in Garden Weekly anytime soon but, I think there is something to be proud of here. So recently we got ourselves some more plants. Yes it was time to spruce up our waning garden. But I must say I like the new plant (pictured) reminds me of an elphant ear. When we first moved into our "green" home, I was thinking to myself "Yes! I shall become the gardener who will be spending hours tending to my plants." But of course, that was just a little too ambitous for someone who detests getting his hands dirty a bit of a stupid contradiction really. Yeah I have an obessive complusive syndrome of washing my hands when they get dirty or smell. I just can't stand to get my hands dirty. Probably, the reason why I am one of the few Indians who does not like to use his hands to eat food, even Indian food for that matter. Another blog post here, me thinks!


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Dinner for ONE

So the wife is away and usually when that happens the question dawns on me. What do I do after work? Go straight home, most often the choice. But then the dreaded question pops. "What's for dinner?"
My gosh this is painful question when you are solo. So as I was on my way home, I got stuck in traffic at Portsdown Road. Being the impatient sort I decided to check out the new joints that have opened there. So overtaking everyone I headed down the road and landed at Pietrasanta.

"Table for one" I said much to the amazement of the maĆ®tre d'. As I later reported, having dinner in a nice restaurant by yourself, surrounded by crowded tables and the occasional confused look is a rather empowering feeling. It’s like telling everyone “Here I am, alone and I am cool with it!” I used to do this quite often for lunches and found it very therapeutic. But I think this was my first dinner alone in a long time. Of course, one cannot do this sort thing too often it gets quite pathetic and sad.

So had a Peroni, Nastro Assuro beer, so-so Lamb chops and this wonderful Italian dessert (pictured). So there; answered my daily dreaded question but with a twist.