Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So what do those acronyms bring to mind? Ice Cold Beer, well perhaps but recently I came engaged in this acronym with a very different expansion (by the way that is the correct term to use with reference to acronyms – not just entertaining but educational as well...SO FULL!)

It's the International Children's Bible and the one I am raving about in particular is The Illustrated Bible. I mean "WOW!" if I had this as a kid I think my life would have been very different. It's illustrated like a comic book but the words are in actual Bible verse with chapter and verse numbers. It's so cool and for people who really do not like to read from their Bibles or rather who are afraid to start becase they fear they might get lost, this is a great alternative.

Highly recommended, the Bible comes ALIVE!! Brilliant, I say!!

M Feeding!

[Picture courtesy of Thomas Nelson]