Thursday, October 23, 2008


It's funny how life works itself. My previous post was talking about how to not let our hearts be troubled and not let fear in but almost immediately after I posted this (well perhaps a day or so) some fearful news came my way. Thanks be to God that I was able to cling on to His promises and was able to ride through. So since last Friday I have been having a feeling like something was stuck in my throat. Not a bone that normally will have a piercing pain but more of a lump in my throat. It bothered me for the next few days and then the excessive hiccups started. When they came they were painful and my entire body would quiver, this was accompanied by more painful swallowing and heartburn.

Went to see a doctor on Monday after some scolding from the concerned wife and went on a course of antibiotics and told by Wednesday if no improvement a referral to a specialist would be prudent. So I patiently took my meds and waited for the recovery that did not come. So on Wednesday, I did what I NEVER do, but I was bored and in a long meeting. So I entered my symptoms "difficulty swallowing hiccups" into my Google Bar and stumbled into another colossal dumb move on my part. There it was "Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer". My heart sank as I read the article as out of the 7 symptoms listed I was experiencing 5 of them. Fear followed swiftly and my rejection of this "report" followed more swiftly after. I was not the same for the rest of the day but was putting my "preaching" into practice.

So on Thursday, after a quick referral and specialist consultation, from a guy who resembled Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, who I now affectionately refer to as "Mr. EEEEEEeeeee", the all clear was given. Praise the Lord! What I have now is gastro oesophageal reflux (acid reflux) which is easily fixed by eating smaller sized meals (should fit into my non existent diet plan).

So there you have it, life and its many ironies, but more inportantly God's favour as always being ever-present in our lives. So after this we know now that we are being prepared for something big and great. Hooray for the TWINS!

M expectant!