Tuesday, October 07, 2008


As gardens go, ours well not the best in the world but it is ours. Not like we are going to get feature in Garden Weekly anytime soon but, I think there is something to be proud of here. So recently we got ourselves some more plants. Yes it was time to spruce up our waning garden. But I must say I like the new plant (pictured) reminds me of an elphant ear. When we first moved into our "green" home, I was thinking to myself "Yes! I shall become the gardener who will be spending hours tending to my plants." But of course, that was just a little too ambitous for someone who detests getting his hands dirty a bit of a stupid contradiction really. Yeah I have an obessive complusive syndrome of washing my hands when they get dirty or smell. I just can't stand to get my hands dirty. Probably, the reason why I am one of the few Indians who does not like to use his hands to eat food, even Indian food for that matter. Another blog post here, me thinks!