Tuesday, February 10, 2009

25 Random Things

... that you may or may not know about me. This took me a while to do but at the end of it I was left rather contented for having lived a rather colorful life. Some points may come across as boastful but there is a reason why there are things you do not know about me. Enjoy:

1. I always laugh when people fall off a bicycle irregardless of the seriousness of the mishap or even if it is me who has fallen off. (hopefully I don’t laugh when my kids fall off)

2. One of my worst nightmares was going bald. (was being the operative word)

3. I am terrified of lizards.

4. I illegally worked three jobs in university (bartender, pizza delivery and helpdesk at local internet company).

5. I like the smell of petrol, in the ambient air (not as a sniffer).

6. I threw an axe at my scoutmaster in Secondary school, following which I quit from the scouts.

7. After the scouts, I joined the Art Club in school because the Art teacher was hot!

8. I got F9 for all my subjects except English during my GCE ‘O’ Level preliminary exams.

9. I was the top student in the Engineering faculty (during my first year)

10. I was feared (or rather never messed with) in Australia because of my “links” to the Vietnamese gangs.

11. I never received or asked for allowance from my parents during the years of Secondary 3 and 4, was self supported from the earnings of first company.

12. The 20% down payment for my Golf GTI was entirely paid for by the earnings from my second company; Fineprint Inc.

13. I have been arrested before but was never charged because I managed to prove my innocence.

14. I saved the life of a former best friend of mine who nearly drowned.

15. I was a serial shoplifter when I was in Secondary school.

16. I was an active volunteer during the years of 2000 to 2004.

17. I love to sing but I hate karaoke, with a passion.

18. Out of the 4 schools that I have part of in Singapore only one still exists (Sembawang Hills Estate School, St Michael’s School and Seletar Institute – all gone; only SJI remains)

19. The first trophy I ever won was for a Tamil Story writing competition.

20. I have broken my nose 3 times.

21. Fractured my little pinky when I punched the wall (forgot the reason why) and because of that, I was not able to write and excused from doing my Pre-U 1 finals and was promoted based on my mid year results.

22. Wrote the answers of my GCE “A” Level Tamil Examination in English.

23. Used to busk in the underpass between Marriot Hotel and Istean from Jan to Mar 1991.

24. I was not born in a hospital but in a dispensary, Lanka Dispensary on Serangoon Road.

25. I cannot remember the events from my early childhood no matter how hard I try to remember.


Anonymous said...

wow. you certainly have led an interesting life. I feel like a little old lady next to you :)

these would certainly make for interesting conversation over dinner! what first and second companies were this? you started your own companies? doing what?

Majimo said...

First company was selling used skateboard parts. I bought old skateboard and sold the parts at a profit.

Second company was graphic design.