Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Inspire Me Please

Running on empty, well just need some new inspiration. Was on the look out for blogs that I can relate to and seem to be always stumbling into blogs written by ladies. Don't get me wrong I adore the blogs and look forward to the posts of my favourites, who are all of the fairer sex, but the question beckons me.....

Where have all the male bloggers gone to? Do they exist? Ok stupid question dah, look in the mirror. But seriously are there any male bloogers out there from whom some self edification and inspiration can flow into moi.

So if you seen some good blogs that I can relate to, please send them to me. Honestly the sex of blogger doesn't matter just need something good and regular like prune juice, you know what I mean....

M searching.

Photo taken from


Anonymous said...

I like

read the "about fatty" section to get the lowdown first before you start.

there's also

Sin Yee said...

I am particularly fond of this:

and probably SK will like this msian blogger who can be quite funny at times.