Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obituary: End of an Era

I regret to inform you that my beloved Anusi has died. After 10 years of service, she has dried her last piece of clothes. Her demise was on 4th of April 2009 though we felt that she needed a good rest so we left her but she was unrevivable. Yes, she was my one and only Zanussi dryer.


She had a good and stable life and has brought joy into two separate homes. She was heavily used and at times abused. Worked more than she was designed to be worked and some days she has worked through the night. Each time without fail she has produced dried clothes and linens, faultlessly except for the rug incident which was not really her fault. Come on guys, Read the Wash and Care Instructions!

Overall all I am really pleased with her and when she passed I felt a part of me go. I know that she will not want me to be without a dryer, as such I have brought a predecessor to carry on her legacy. Let’s hope the new addition can live up to the high standard that Anusi has set.

Farewell Anusi, as you make your way to the Dryer Heaven, to be with your people and stand proud among them with the knowledge you have made a difference.

I know all this sounds a little over the top but in context it will not. What time dryer represents to me is financial freedom. Freedom from the reliance of my parents’ money, that is. This was a first “big ticket” item that I purchased with my first ever paycheck. But not to be limited to that, but it also represented the unleashing of the Laundry Nazi in me. Yes you heard me, and I think the time has come for a dedicated Laundry Nazi post (akan datang).  For now let’s take some time to reflect on those who have gone ahead to great big cloud in the sky.




kelly said...

I had a camera died on me previously. Took me a long time to get another as I am quite fickle with electronics!

For a moment I thought you were talking about your pet! :)

Majimo said...

Hahaha...that was the intended effect but the pic should have given it away lah


delicate flower said...

Hi Majimo.
wonderful layout for your website. I'm so glad you stopped in. I look forward to reading more in the upcoming vacation days.

As to the grieving. It'll pass. I too lost a precious 'member' of the family and blogged about it. My loss was a little more risque than yours, but if you care to go look it's called: Yes, Mine was Purple.

Majimo said...

Thanks to the feedback, flower! yeah it has passed and the new dryer is here, I will blog about it soon. Hahaha the joys.

I will check out your post soon and thanks again for dropping by.


Holly Jahangiri said...

Amazing how attached we can get to our first major appliances, isn't it? Oddly, I never thought to name mine. I say "oddly," because I grew up naming every car the family ever owned, and you'd think an important appliance would deserve a name more unique than the one that it was labeled with when it came into the world. A lovely, fitting eulogy. Your new dryer has some big shoes to fill.

Anonymous said...

haha!! i know how you feel. just mourned the loss of my fridge recently but i'm loving the new one already :)

Jen at Semantically driven said...

Isn't it painful when things like this die. I only bought my first two brand-new whitegoods (washing machine and fridge) a few years ago. Prior to that I relied on friends or on second hand ones. I hope they both last at least 10 years.

Majimo said...

Looks like I am not the only "nutter" who mourns the loss of white goods. Ahhh...thats comforting.

Anyways, an update; the new dryer is here and so far so good. To be honest when it came I was telling the wife, about how it pales in comparison with Anusi but I am sure being new it will perform better.

Look out for the upcoming blog "About Bob".

Thanks to all my new visitors I am really stoked that you came and commented keep coming ya!


Majimo said...
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Majimo said...

About Bob post is up http://marcelblogs.blogspot.com/2009/04/about-bob.html



Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Anonymous said...

Valuable info. Lucky me I found your site by accident, I bookmarked it.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article