Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolutions for 2009

I detest the idea of making resolutions and I normally do not make any
to start a year (If your name is Siew Khee, you are probably making a
face but do read on. It's long but I do have a point). I find that
most resolutions end up getting broken because they normally start out
from the top of your head and by the end of the first week of the year
they are on the ground between your feet, all trampled.

Let's see some sample resolutions:

1) lose weight
2) drink less coffee
3) take more pictures
4) stick to New Year resolutions...

Technically they are still in effect when the year is in her 12th
month but at this point there is no urgency but more a sense of "oh
well, I didn't achieve my resos so think I shall carry them forward to
the next year" feeling which is usually accompanied by useless regret.

I remember a certain person who for New Year's Eve rather than
celebrating, was going to spend the day reflecting on things he did
not achieve that year.

Bollocks!! How about celebrating life and all the things that makes it
great! Honestly, if there is not one thing a person can celebrate 2
minutes to midnight of the 31st Dec then, I reckon resolutions are not
the only thing this person needs!

Bottom line, we all know what needs to be done and achieved in our
lives and the duration could be more or less depending on the goal.
Let's not limit ourselves.

So let's not make resolutions which are wastefully just goals and
ambitions that do not matter and can be broken. I mean what's the point!

Start the year with promise and expectant of great things and
tremendous blessings which are just around the corner. Stop waiting
for the bump in the road that causes one to falter into negativity. If
it happens and it will; stand up, brush the "dust" off yourself and
look for that next good thing coming round the bend. Believe me it's
there it's just that we are not paying attention.

So if you are not convinced and still need a resolution to start the
year perhaps this: "I resolve to look out for all the good things in
my life big or small and to acknowledge each of them". You'll be
surprised that at the end of the year you'll be celebrating with me!

Cheers M


Shhhhhh said...

Absolutely agreed!!!绝对赞成!

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