Monday, March 09, 2009

41 Questions. 1 Personality

I found this online test that claims to give you your personality run down after answering 41 questions. Pretty accurate, here are my results so you decide:

Your personality type:
Quiet, reflective and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people.

Careers that could fit you include:
Writers, artists, counselors, social workers, English teachers, fine arts teachers, child care workers, clergy, missionaries, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, political activists, editors, education consultants, journalists, religious educators, social scientists.

I tend to disagree on the careers section because these are fall into the preconcieved notions of what kind of boxes these people fit into. But after looking at each of the careers mentioned, I realise that there have been some points in my life that I thought perhaps this might be something I would like to try. So all in all quite revealing, what you think, you guys would be the best judges right.

To try out for yourself go to

M revealed!


Anonymous said...

Although this is basically an MBTI thing, it's still fun to read the analysis.
my results are at

what's SK's?
PR is one of the jobs it says I am suited to do! haha :)