Monday, March 09, 2009

What’s going on at NTU?

If any of you have been reading the news, you may have read about the Indonesian student from NTU who stabbed his professor in the back, then slashed his wrists and then threw himself of the five storey building resulting in his death. Tragic, I thought at the time. The pressures of school can result in people flaring up.

But what you may not have seen was another death that happened at NTU. This one was severely downplayed. What happened here was a staff member was found to have hung himself in his NTU staff apartment. Do not let the word staff here throw you; essentially this fella was a 24 year old Chinese National who started working at NTU 5 days ago and to be exact the day of the previous incident. His age however, should point to the fact that he was up till very recent a student of NTU.

What is now happening is that people are drawing up parallel and conspiracy theories. Personally, I love a good conspiracy theory but in this case, there seems to be some cover up going on.

  1. Both guys who died are both from School of EEE
  2. Both guys were from the same laboratory
  3. Both guys have had close contact with the professor who was stabbed
  4. Both are suicides
  5. Both are foreign students

On the other side of the fence, our beloved media is working overtime to direct the public towards a particular direction. First there was an article about how foreign students here are suffering loneliness and have no channels in which to direct their stress. As an ex-foreign student I know this can be an issue of course but we are normally so focused on studying and getting by with such limited funds this was never an issue. In any case, this was a way of saying this guy was a little unstable

Next article, which I seriously loathe was about people who spend excessive times playing computer games. They highlighted 3 cases of guys who have gone warped from excessive gaming. I loathe these sorts of conclusions, as there is very little evidence to point to the excessive gaming as the cause. When I was in Uni a cheap way to unwind after a long day in class or after finishing a tough assignment was to play computer games. I used to be on it for hours and sometimes I would be home the entire weekend play just stopping for meals and toilet breaks. But this never made me loco! I just find this argument weak, and yet another feeble attempt by our media as one of the 3 cases, highlighted was our dear Indonesian friend from NTU.

So in an attempt to steer people away for the real truth, there are many people out there who are screaming for a proper investigation. There is even talk of some sexual misconduct by the said professor, and more to the idea that the first guy was murdered. Basically the consensus is that both deaths are related and the coincidences are rather astounding.