Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SideNote: Change

I am sure you have noticed that I have changed the colors of the blog to make the pictures appear nicer and make it more readable. I also wanted to get rid of those nasty border lines that just crowds the overall website.

Just added : New Header!!!

Hope you like it, feedback is appreciated.



Anonymous said...

man, i just love the new look!

totally gobsmacked by the new header. and the white background and bigger photos really makes the colours and the detail in the pictures pop! :)

Anonymous said...

you must get your wife to change the tag on her blog though - it kinda undoes the whole anonymous thing ;)

Majimo said...

Thanks, glad you like it. I am quite proud of the new header too..hehheehe...

Yes we made the necessary changes to her blog

meefedtothemax said...


just realised your bkground is grey not white? dunno why i saw it as white earlier...

Majimo said...

Its actually silver. hahaha!