Friday, March 06, 2009

Change on the Cards

Change, it is part of life. So do we need to change to improve?

I am in the midst of evaluating some new additions and new stuff for my blog. Here are a bunch of thoughts and to dos:

1) Need to change my template away from the standard Blogger template
2) What new widgets can I add to make the overall experience more....
3) How to increase the traffic to my blog, for people to get interested my bo liao-ness
$)Shall I monetize my blog - there are quite a few people out there making passive income with their blogs...why not me.... or shall I be true and not "sell out".
5) Adhere to the KISS principle, that is "Keep It Simple Stupid!"

Such decision are on the cards, so the balls are up in the air and when it land I hope for some change and not a complete number 5). Because change is something we all can believe in.
M Obama-ed