Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sushi Nazi

Sushi Kikuzawa at International Building is where this guy tortures his patrons who come for some good Japanese food only to be force fed by a never ending barrage of sushi. This is the buffet.

I tried to be smart and avoid eating the rice on which the sashmi came upon so that I can make the buffet value for money but, the Sushi Nazi, as the name stuck to him from that moment on, said that I have to finish the rice as well. Not so much what he said but more the way he said it. Like a character from a Kurasawa movie.

As the rice balls got bigger and the sashmi on top got smaller (OK this might have been psychological on my part..hehehe) I said enough to the Nazi as the wife continued only to concede a few minutes later. After pondering the menu for a while, I figured out the system and got smart to it. Ordering what I wanted, basically items without rice.

But as soon as we were back to eating delightful Japanese food at a leisurely pace with the Nazi off our backs, the waitress came and announced "Last Order!"


Funny point was that I was telling the wife of a picture that came into my mind. Picture this; Sushi Nazi as an evil anime character making sushi for his terrified customers. Where the rice part of the sushi is the size of a bowling ball with a normal sized piece of salmon on top.

M Sushoo-ed


Anonymous said...

hello,J'ai apprécié votre blog, bonne écriture suivre le travail acharné!
au revoir
désolé mon pauvres français

Anonymous said...

Thank you, nice job! This was the stuff I had to have..